come what may
Come What May
Come What May
Now ever since 2020 I've been paying extra special attention to the date of May 3rd (1700 GMT) because that was the date when I first saw the shape of things to come. I can't believe I was the only one paying attention to life , the universe and everything on that day since the signs were clearly there that something BIG was going to happen. The BBC played a very big part in my perception of these particular events which means they were deliberately broadcasting clues as information that was meant to be heard and therefore understood by those with ears to hear. And that means that there was a conspiracy at work long before I finally joined the game.
Anyway, this year on the fourth anniversary I half expected to hear some more earth shattering news that could be interepretted as being a sign that things were still running pretty much on (or rather off!) course since the science of planetary level events must have a timescale that is measured not in months, bbut in orbits (or as I call them cosmic units). Nature has her own calendar you know.
Anyway. Whilst the news on that day did have a fair few horror stories, there was nothing so outstanding that it deserved to tick my conspiracy factor box satisfactorily. Nothing that wasn't man made anyway.
What I was waiting for didn't really make any waves in the BBC news since it happened far, far away from modern civilization and affected pretty much nobody but the fish. But I monitor other sites as well and discovered that on May 4th out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, planet Earth experienced a pretty significant and very deep rooted 7.5 earth(sea)quake meaning that deep underground, something went CRACK.
Now earthquakes are, by nature, unpredictable things that can strike anywhere, at anytime. Hell, even New York suffered an extremely rare but still pretty good 4.5 quake just a day before they suffered their recent solar eclipse. But that was clearly an example of just a nice cosmic coincidence showing us that accidents do happen. Most earthquakes however will strike around our Techtonic plate edges since that is where the earth rubs and stretches itself until something pops and so geographically speaking the fault lines the most likely place for any quake to occur. What makes This quake so outstandingly noticable imho was not that it was the joint third largest quake of 2024 so far but rather that it struck exactly on the axis point where the great central Atlantic north/south tectonic divide crossovers with the classic east/west line of the Equator.
Now of course I don't know exactly why this is important but Atlan has long been top of my list as to the most likely place where the end of things will actually begin. That is where I have placed my jot and so I have long followed news of the fault line and what with Mount fag up in Iceland still burning away merrily to the north and then factor in Mount Michael doing likeways equidistantly far away to the south then playing join the dots draws us some rather too regular looking data for my liking. More like Orion's belt than a triangle. I therefore am going to take the quake as being the cosmic sign that I was looking for and write that down for poserity as being Important. Its far too close a shot to the bullseye to my eye not to be important and if we discount this years extra leap day (a manmade invention) from the ever ticking cosmic calendar of time and nature then it becomes apparent that the incident occurred at a much too significant time and place for me to call it an accident and that makes it a pretty decent sounding mystic portent imho.
You heard it first here. Everything is on track. Time came knocking and nature did answer. Tick Tick Tick.
Whilst I'm here I should use this opportunity to briefly offload the past few months worth of mad weather notes from my disaster diary for those of you who may still be looking out for any other potential patterns in historical data long after the event.
April in England was cold wet and windy. It was thirty days of unpleasantness which also bought us three more named storms (tho only one UK named storm officially) No snow though but that might be because the the polar vortex also apparently went into reverse!
There has been a huge swathe of flooding events striking the globe over the past two months, each one being much more unusually severe or unseasonally powerful than anything that could have been reasonably predicted using lassical historical weather records. These flood events are actually just rain events gone wrong and might even be considered to be all part of the same atmospheric river if you plot the dates of the outbreaks accordingly onto your globe. What the world is facing today won't be admitted until it's obvious to everyone . The current method of monitoring long range changes in established patterns is to wait around for twenty years collecting more and more comprehensive data before finally releasing a report admitting what was blatantly obvious from the start. And that is how slowly our governments operate too. Too slowly.
The first of the rain reports were from Southern China with what they are now calling a 1/100 year event. The Russian Urals were next followed by Tajikstan, Khazikstan and of course Pakistan who are starting to get used to their annual flooding season now. Not quite so used to flooding is Eastern Africa, especially across Kenya and Tanzania whose as I type are also expecting to get hit by their first ever cyclone , something which is usually the province of the 3M's down at a far more southerly latitude. But it was Dubai that grabbed the best headlines after some seriously off the charts rainfall figures formed great lakes across the the dry gulf city and that was an incredibly unlikely dot to be able to put onto on our map.
Some reporters suggest that this unprecedented Dubai weather event was actually a man made attempt at cloud engineering. I just know that it never usually rains in the desert and that brings me round to another rather strange event when Sahara dust painted the sky orange all the way up in Scandinavia.
Further afield and it is now Brazil grabbing the rain disaster headlines by suffering a deluge of truly biblical proportions with more than a months worth of rain falling in a single day...every day.... for a full seven days... and still counting.
At the other end of the weather scale and it is far too much sunshine making up the rest of my weather notes. Rio recorded a new seasonal record temperature of 42ยบ whilst heatwaves in Mexico, Mali, and South Sudan have also made headline news. In Zimbabwe and Iraq the heat problem has now turned into drought problems. All of these clearly seperate and therefore obviously unrelated events have all been achieving new 'worst since records began' status in their countries history records and I fully expect these freshly updated records to be broken again in the near years to come, come what may.
Same time next year?