Five years ago the world was a better place. Then came the big WHO announcement that COVID was a problem officially out of control and that we were all going to die. They implored governments all around the world to take the necessary harsh steps as the only way to prevent the decimation of mankind. Of course, it turned out to be a bad seasonal flu with (only) a 2% mortality rate and after a couple of years of chaos everone grew bored with it all and moved on to the next big thing. History will one day tell us that covid was just a test run to see how sheeple react to bad news. Market research for whatever is coming next.
The next really big boffin announcement will be that the war on climate change is now officially out of mankinds control. The global temperature will continue to rise at an alarming pace, that all of our weather will collapse in response, that there is Nothing that we can collectively now do to stop it and that we are all going to die.
Some of us have known this for a while and for the past five years I have been actively watching the world going to shit in every way imaginable and dutifully recorded some of the data for posterity. In this year's yuleblog I'm meant to be updating you on all the important global events that have struck since May, but tbh I'm getting bored with that approach since, dreadful as disasters are, it seems so insignificant to bother focussing on them compared to the need to see the bigger picture. I mean, I could take the time to expand on some keywords like Beryl, Syria, Valencia or Mayotte but they are all just a big pile of data points all pointing the same way... Downwards. All you really need to know is that 2025 was officially the hottest year on earth ever recorded.
So isn't it about time that we just all finally admit that we have already lost the climate war? Anyone who still asvocates staying below 1.5 is deluded, science knows that dream has long gone and it seems that in this busy election year politicians on all sides just avoided the whole climate subject all together as 'not a vote winner '. Time marches ever onwards though and the the heat will continue to rise and so the danger this presents looms ever larger daily. If every year is noticeably worse than the year before then the day must come when we reach some point on the graph where it is undeniable that climate change is now HERE, and its turned up a lot sooner than we were led to believe It's no longer a problem for the future generations but one for TODAY. Collapse will come within our lifetimes is what the graphs are now forecasting and that is basically confirmation that the end of the world is nigh. This uncomfortable truth can no longer be ignored and I believe that the date for such an announcement is now just around the corner
2025 has also been the biggest election year ever and has given almost half the planet the chance to choose their leaders. There have been a lot of changes, a lot of shocks a lot of deals and some unlikely coalitions (which are already breaking back down into chaos) in the desperate struggle for the poisoned chalice. This year's worlds worst award for political ineptitude goes to France who always are one short step away from another revolution. How these parties achieved power is all immaterial now, the results are in and the scum has risen to the top. We have our starting lineup and right now all of these glorious leaders should be preparing for the next phase of the great game. Acceptance.
Though some countries are big and some are small and some rulers deem themselves more important than others, what this year's crop all have in common is that The Great Announcement will happen during their watch. The last one was from the WHO. This one will probably come from COP and this is the one that, in a nutshell, says that extreme weather is getting worse, there is nothing we can do about it and that we are all going to die. None of us really want to accept that statement but that doesn't make if fake news. Some things are just unavoidable. Shit happens. You should be used to it by now, expected it even, the signs were all there. After pestilence and war comes famine and death. Such is the way of things.
My 'during this term' prediction should give us a window of some four years for TGA to happen and since I'm running my numbers with a Seven year cycle and I have a Two important dates in my head regarding exactly when the whole WWV game actually started. These point me to predicting the date of TGA as being somewhere between Halloween 2026 and May Day 2027. I'm going with the latter.
How will life after TGA unfold? Well Chaos is the best answer. Headless Chicken Syndrome. After a period of denial I expect Trump to run with the biblical apocalypse now motif with himself as the one great saviour of the American dream. The chosen one will now put into play the America First card in all it's glory and forcibly invoke his long standing policy of closing the borders in an effort to protect its own people first. This will turn the USA into an island as dictator Trump invokes martial law in order to MAGA. There might still be the odd foreign alliance for a while but Uncle Sam will have officially left the burning building that is the UN.
Once unity has failed the rotw will then pretty much find itself left to its own devices as to how they will individually deal with the fast approaching great collapse. Some countries will band together, some will go it alone but the only thing you can really do is to wait and see what life throws at you, learn to adapt and try to stay alive. Since cooperation has failed to save us it will eventually become an international survival of the fittest competition with the richest having an unfair advantage when it comes to isolation planning (for a while). This approach to personal preservation will work right up until the revolution begins which will, apparently, last for the fifty years until Ragnarok.
Ok, it's late and I'm tired. If I never write another word, Good bye and good luck.